Thanks 'jghrist' it makes sense... now how do I model the rail in a program? should I used a cable with the same ampacity and lenght? or is there any other way to model the rail?
Has anyone calculated or know how to calculate the arc flash levels for crane's power rails (i.e. mini-loaders or warehouse automated cranes).
My concern is that for a 800 ft long power rail, the arc flash level at the feeder connection point is not going to be the same as at the end of the...
Ok, am I confusing everything?
My question is for the bus: If for example I have a disconnect switch and I need a label for it, I need to put a bus (which shows up upstream when I put a disconnect in the oneline), Do I need to define the equipment ratings for that bus or not?
yes DanDel, you're right... I usually mark them as bus nodes and do not include them in the labels. What I should do is to give them the name of the downstream equipment and get a label for it, but I still have one question on it; Should I define it from the library and/or give some values to...
I do want the job, the only thing is that I want to do the right thing, I don't want to label something that shouldn't be.
The SKM version is 6.0.... but I haven't found how to label other equipment than buses. The only way would be (for what I know) adding a bus instead of the equipmnet...
I'm perfoming an arc flash hazard analysis to a facility which is a data center. After giving them the results they came up with a series of requests. They want me to label each ATS's, disconnect switches and transformers. I know that NEC 110.16 and NFPA 70E 400.11 requires to label...