Seems to me that if you tried to heat the bolts to strighten them, they would become brittle. If you could find a good welder, you could install washers at the bolts, then slot the holes in the plates.. Put the column down over it and put washers and the nut on the bolt. You would have to weld...
I completely agree with CVG. There are methods of repairing these but I would leave it up to the manufacturer to give the repair because of liability issues. I would agree with the plywood box beam thought and would also consider a steel plate with lag screws. You would have to pre-drill the...
Does anyone know where to find the min interval spacing for bond beams in CMU blocks? Any help would be appreciated.
(I have a feeling it is in the masonry code--but where??)
I am revieweing a residential structure and a cold joint has been noted around the ENTIRE exterior of the home.
It is my uderstanding that 2 hours passed between pours and honeycombing has appeared all the way around the exterior of the home.
Does anyone have anything to say about cold...
You may want to look into doing some intrusive testing. Some concrete companies have x-ray machines they can use to tell where/size of rebar present. They can also core a sample and tell you the strength of it.