I do have composition and propertied of Avtur (both F34 and F35) but you can get them from the internet. Try a search for Def Stan 91-87 for F34 (with FSII), Def Dtan 91-91 for F35, There is also some general useful info in Def Stan 01-5.
I have an authoratative bulk modulus for F34 as follows...
Thanks for that valuable information.
I've used both max and min values of density.
I'm not actually carrying out a surge analysis by your definition. I am attempting to quantify an 'order of magnitude' for anchor loads in unstable ground, not really the same thing and perhaps my query title...
I have an equation for surge pressure from 'Mechanics of Fluids' - BS Massey, which gives
Ap = p.c.U
Where Ap is surge pressure
p is fluid density
c is speed of wave propogation
U is change of velocty
In my case the fluid is NATO F34 so p is 775 - 840 kg/m3 (I have used 800)
I have calculated...