The owner has a great aggregate pit for embankent, had planned on using Geo Cell sub structure and separation fabrics may be even a little tri-grid in areas. Want to utilize corrugated steel panels to the abutment for the shell surface. Would encorparte into the GRS abutment. Would like...
I am working on several Bridge Replacement projects and looking for imput on utilizing reinforced earth abutments. These bridges are very low volume 10 ADT ~ farm to market crossings. Normal practice is to drive piling to glacial till deposits 75' - 200' below grade. In doing this the...
The organic soils are trouble for most structures. I just checked my copy of the National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association design manual for fill heights on a 10' diameter CSP.
Height of Cover limits for steel pipe E80 live load (5" x 1") 10 gage steel is 54 feet. What is the length of...
There were large scour pockets on the existing bridge that was removed, Inverted T foundations were designed below the frost line (5' below stream invert). Bearing capacity of the soils were on the order of 1500 psf. Soils engineers and structural engineers designed improved subgrade soil...
These structures are available in arch shapes, an would accomadate the 25' of fill and a train!
This option worked for me!
See attached photo
Very cost effective to build!
Aluminized Type II and polymeric coatings are available for the corrosive soils if any(clay). The thickness of the steel can also be increased if a heavy bedload is encountered. It is not uncommon to install 50' to 80' lenghts of (single pipe) in these application to reduce joint separation...
Strengths of Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP)are positive joint connections and long lengths. Both were used to minimize the joint separation and erosion concerns. 2 connections per run were designed for the 8' diameter double drop structure. It was designed with a concrete toe and head wall...
We can fabricate a drop structure to your specifications. This option drops water about 15' and has been inplace for 10 years. Antiseep diaphrams are installed along with headwall on the inlet end.
see attachment...