Were the voltage readings taken while the pump was running under load? If not it might be a good idea to check it. I've seen a couple instances where the wiring was too small for the size motor being run.
Anyone have any experience with these?
I'm looking for a portable scope to use on CNC equipment. I have a Tek TDS3012 already but would like something a little more portable. This would probably knock around in my truck until I had a need for it. I leave my Tek at home currently and only...
Yes, I have checked the return line for the flyback diodes. I don't believe the problem is with the board unless it was designed poorly. Three identical boards have failed. I'm thinking the problem is external to the board.
Sorry I haven't posted for awhile, the project is currently on hold. The customer isn't sure he wants to sink any more money into the repair of this machine. He is considering replacing the machine.
To answer a couple of questions:
-The low voltage supply is unregulated. It consists of a...
I've talked to another EDM supplier who sells a nearly identical machine (it has the same circuit board). One of their engineers told me that the control voltage, when loaded, will drop to +/- 8 or even +/- 7 volts.
I may be able to get a scope on the board. At this point though the...
See here for a copy of the schematic.
Also I was wrong, the transistors are switched in banks of 3 not 6.
After a bit of searching I was able to find a schematic of the circuit board. I'd post it but I don't have any way of scanning it. I could take a picture of it if anyone is interested.
The last time I was able to work on the machine I noticed that the negative side of the +/-8 volts was low...
I've tried tracing out the circuit on the board which has all 6 transistors. The 6 are controlled by 1 transistor, but that one is also controlled by several others. I've not been able to completely trace things out. Not being an EE, what may be a familiar circuit to you, takes me awhile to...
I would agree that a drive problem could explain the failures except that one of the boards (with the 6 transistors) has 2 of the 6 transistors still working perfectly. Wouldn't all of the transistors fail? Maybe it's justs coincidence that 2 haven't.
I've gotten a little more info.
-The transistors are not getting hot, only lukewarm when touched. All cooling fans are working.
-The transistors and the associated switching circuitry are all located on the same board. This board has been replaced and has failed since being replaced.
I don't believe the burnout will be sequential, the T's are seperate with their own seris resistor. They are then in parallel with the electrode. I'm wondering if maybe the "kick" from the wire wound resistors may be whats causing the problem. There are diodes in the circuit to bypass reverse...
For those of you that don't know what EDM is, it is a spark erosion prosess. An electrode is brought in contact with the part to be machined. An arc is established and the metal is burned away. The machine controls the arc and moves the electrode up and down to maintain the arc. More power...
Sorry for the lack of info, I guess I was looking for general info. I'm not in front of the machine, actually I'm in the office which is an hour away.
Here is what I know about how the machine works:
--power is supplied to the transistors in question.
--the transistors are switched on...
Newbie here. I repair machines for a living, I'm currently working on an EDM. Normally I would contact the manufacturer but I'm told they are no longer in business.
The machine has a set of 6 transistors (Hitachi 2SC1343). These can be switched into and out of the circuit depending on...