I am using two gardener denver 125 Hp@100Psi and a Hankinson dryer.Actually what happened was that there was a oilseprator failure inside the compressor and the Dryer got shutdown because of some other reason and at that time we didnot have wet reciever and all the water plus oil condensate went...
Hi again,
Thanks for the abbreviation.I have one more question I have put a oil water seprator to take out drains from the compressors,dryer,wet tank and reciever.The separator is not pressurized and my understanding is that all the drains will find a path of least resistance and will drain out...
Thanks for the information.Yeah, there is a cold coalscer and another filter installed in the dryer unit,I have talked to some of the experts too about this flow and I am getting mixed responses for that.I have the compressors and then a wet reciver and then it goes to the dryer and goes into...
I just have installed a compressed air system and the compressors are Oil Flooded compressors and I have added some filteration in the system.i have an inline Coalsceing filter and a Particulate filter.Is there any preference of putting in any one before the other.