After troubleshooting the unit, we believe the SO2 spike is caused by a type of burping in our SCOT unit or some form of COS or CS2 break through. Has anybody experienced an SO2 spike caused by these factors?
I am sorry I haven't responded lately to my thread. The limiting factor is the higher temperature of the amine causing us to be steam limiting. I wanted to thank everyone for there helpful post. We haven't fixed the reboiler problem completely but with other problems being addressed and...
After a power blip in early April, we have been experiencing periodic SO2 spikes in our TGU incinerator. The power blip caused the sulfur plant to completely shut down. For the past month they have been happening about once a day. I am hoping for a brainstorming session on to what would be...
The main symptom that we have noticed is that the temperature going to the reboiler is 10 oF higher than it should be. To my understanding the temperature going to the reboiler should be the same as the bubble point of the liquid which is 264 oF. Also, our capacity on the tower is down approx...
Our high point vent is open on the steam side. Our thermal scan does show signs of possible pluggage on the process stream. We are in the process of removing the insulation to get a full scan.
The GPSA Edition that I am refering to is the 10th Edition. I wasn't here for the turnaround, but the reboiler was working properly before the turnaround. The reboiler didn't have any work done to it during turnaround other then inspection. The regenerator had alot of work done to it. We...
We have a thermosyphon reboiler on our amine regenerator that has not been flowing properly since turn around. The bottom sump of the regenerator has a auxiliary baffle and a preferential baffle. In fig 19-37 of the GPSA manual, it is baffle orientation b. We think it might be pluggage, but...
We have a thermosyphon reboiler on our amine regenerator that has not been flowing properly since turn around. The bottom sump of the regenerator has a auxiliary baffle and a preferential baffle. In fig 19-37 of the GPSA manual, it is baffle orientation b. We think it might be pluggage, but...