Will do. Just wanted a project to work on, just to play around with Inventor/any other program, while learning some good techniques along the way. Thanks a bunch aardvarkdw, been a lot of help.
Class of 2011 NCSU engineers
Should I just remodle it in a program like 3d max which we have fully installed, and just do it there, set up all the parameters and the cg, and just forget about trying to take the inventor models and using them in some other software which I do not have yet?
Class of 2011 NCSU engineers
Yea, thanks everyone for your input, but other than Martin (oliebol) that aardvarkdw suggested, is there any other program which I could maybe use, like vb (visual basic) or something along those lines which the computers at school may have?
If not, I could take the file home, and download a...
I am playing around with Inventor in my drafting class at school, and I was trying to animate gravity (so say if I dropped a die into a box it would roll, like normal gravity would act upon it, until it would stop).
Does anyone know how to do this?
Another example I was trying to set up with...