Definite possibilities. Their patent description is very close to the specs on what I was originally thinking.
Problems. They mount the permanent magnets on the oscillating armature. I worry that this might limit the overall power of the device and require (as you can see in the patent...
Very interesting.
The voice coil is indeed the drive head mechanism. The roughly triangular shape will force a redesign of the form factor, but it could work out better than the cylinder we were originally thinking of.
BTW, I spent most of yesterday afternoon listening to music by...
Project Update:
Have version .0001 working with a standalone 1 watt amp. Direct application of the oscillation is definitely the way to go. I used the voice coil of a Maxtor 6 gig desktop hard drive to test with. The 1 watt LM386 amp works fairly well, although there are some noise issues...
SomptingGuy: Sure is :)
Qmavam: 10 watts might very well be necessary, but I'm not sure what my test voice coils can handle. I know I can always feed in a very small signal to a 10 watt, but I don't want to get carried away and burn em up.
Battery power would be ideal, but a wall wart is...
Please forgive my short sentences, broken collarbone (and no, not from product testing)
The 60-80 hz sweet spot has been verified in several university studies and is pretty well known in the industry.
We absolutely want variable frequency with power though, as i suspect each user...
But of course (or at the very least my wife and some female friends will, though not all at the same time). Product testing is the best part of the business.
Testing the competition has been interesting. Only one has actually caught on fire, but a few have started smoking.
On the...
Now that is interesting. I've though of phase locking two motors, but wasn't sure how practical it was without using stepper motors. The phase lock doesn't do much without being absolutely sure of the position.
If I had an accelerometer handy, the target surface vibration would be very easy...
Voice coil is looking better and better. The 1" limitation does make things tricky, but the nature of the product dictates it. I wasn't sure whether to mention the application given the forum, but what the heck. The application is adult in nature and female oriented (if that's to...
Looks like the force requirements would be taken care of, however, the displacement of 10?m is quite a bit less than the 1-2mm we need. It sounds like it is using a piezo drive, which we had looked at but were unsure if they could deliver the displacement requirements.
We're a little unsure on the exact force magnitude. In general, with a variable force of displacement device, we would look for a displacement of around 1-2mm, which would give a acceleration (rms in g's) of 5-10 at 60hz, or .13 to .26 m/s velocity rms).
The small dc motor toy shakers...
Ok, call me unbalanced, but I need some advice on generating a vibration at between 60 and 80 hz. I'm thinking an Electromagnetic shaker might be the way to go, but I am open to any and all suggestions.
The key is variable intensity or eccentricity at a fixed frequency. Linear oscillation...