Thanks for your advice about the programs. Yes, I'm looking for pipe stress programs that also calculate the fatigue of pipes, but haven't been able to find anything about those mentioned above (I have found data about PIPESTRESS, ADLPIPE, ANSYS, etc.).
My goal is to figure out if any of the...
(I asked this question in my former post, but it might have been overlooked, since it wasn't my main question then.)
Can someone give me the contact information for the following programs: NuPipe, Superpipe, and/or KWU-ROHR?
Does anybody know what kind of methods are used in the piping fatigue anaysis industry to solve the pairs of load sets needed for the ASME III NB-3653.2 Eq. 11 (peak stress calculation)? (Does anybody use the rainflow method?)
Also, can someone give me the contact information for the...