I am trying to find out the correlation between PRE and CPT of stainless steels. Thus, I need 'AL-6X and 254SFER' but I couldn't find where I can buy its plate.
Would you please let me know where I can buy 'AL-6X and 254SFER plate' ?(for examples, any thickness(~6mm), several 30x30 cm plates)
In AL6XN.com homepage, I found "For seawater, PREN must be greater than 32" in FAQs.
I am wondering why PREN must be greater than 32. Is PRE 32 special criteria for seawater?
Would you please let me know why PRE must be greater than 32 ?
I read the Q&A elsewhere - for seawater, PREN of stainless steels must be greater than 32.
I want to know why PREN must be greater than 32. Why 32?
Another question, how is the lifetime of 316L stainless steel piping in 40C, seawater cooling condenser tubing?