Hi Jade,
I am using SW2001+ and it DOES have a direct transalator, BUT, this opens in pro/e 2001 as imported surface!!
cry cry cry!!
.. know any good places for pro/e tutorials, time i started to learn some.
Vj again, thanks all for taking the time to reply.
Could any of you guys recommend any 3rd party soft to convert from Solidworks2001+ to PRO/e ( and hopefully vice versa too ) which will retain all the data intact ( planes et al). preferably in shareware so that i can try and buy?
Just recently joined and i am sure this must have been answered earlier, but please help. I am using Solidworks2001+ and can directly save the files as *.prt (pro/e format). But when i open these files in pro/e 2001 i only get the files as imported surface, i cannot edit!!