I split point the bits. That worked niceley. However, what I found is that the first 1/8" down or so was hardened. I am guessing this is because it was cut using a laser. Well at any rate after the first four holes the bits would either dull or break. Also I could not tap threads, the tap...
No I havn't. Don't seem to have one of those in my collection. However I do have a dril doctor that is supposed to be able to turn ordinary bits into split points. I think I might try that.
I used a drill press initally. Then I tried a hand drill. I used every differenet speed they offered.
The steel is nothing special. I managed to get a hole directley in the center with minimual difficutley. I used a 3/32 bit to start. Perhaps this is because the side was machined. I'm not...
The steel is nothing special. I managed to get a hole directley in the center with minimual difficley. I used a 3/32 bit to start. Perhaps this is because the side was machined. I'm not sure. The bit I used is a cobalt steel bit. I used enough force that the bit almost broke. It bent over...
I have a piece of steel in the shape of the disk. 10" diameter .25" thick. I need to drill 7/64's holes into the side of the disk. I punched indentions where I needed. The holes I drilled on the flat side of the steel worked fine. However as soon as I tried the curved side holes, I had a...
I have a piece of steel in the shape of the disk. 10" diameter .25" thick. I need to drill 7/64's holes into the side of the disk. I punched indentions where I needed. The holes I drilled on the flat side of the steel worked fine. However as soon as I tried the curved side holes, I had a...