Is there anywhere I can find Federal Specification online? Did some search with no luck. Actually I'm particularly looking for this spec WW-P-421B.
Thanks for your attention.
Thanks for the reply. I actually contacted vent-o-mat and was told 2" ARV will be sufficient for our design purpose which is just to get rid of air pocket in the sewage, if there will be any.
A 2" ARV needs to be attached to a 30" HDPE force main at the high point. Is there a particular type of ARV that I should use? Is there any specs available for this application? Thanks very much for your time.
I'm designing a 30" HDPE pipe force main which will be connected to an existing 30" Ductile Iron pipe force main.
The question is what kind of fittings are necessary? Will there be any special requirement because we have two different types of pipes here. Thanks very much for your time...
During installation, if HDPE or PVC pipe is below ground water, what type of hold down device should be used to anchor the pipe? Is there any specification available online? Thank you!
btw, thanks for those who answered my previous two questions.
I'm preparing Specs for a HDPE pipe force main. Does anyone know where I can find related information? I specified that Approved Products are Plexco HDPE pipe and approved equal.
But wasn't able to find information regarding testing in their website.
Thank you very much for any suggestion...