I have a concrete pier project where the pile caps will have to be poured within the tidal zone of the Chesapeake Bay (Brackish Water). It is possible that the new concrete could be submerged after placement due to tides. What measures would be recommended to protect the concrete during curing...
Thanks for the quick response.
WillisV's response discusses the cover plates which are thin. Thus the design is based on the weld length to fully stress the plate.
The WT will have a much greater variation in stress levels. This would mean the WT flange would reach full stress prior to the web...
I will be partially reinforcing a beam with a WT. I am looking for guidance as to determining the length of WT to provide. I've calculated moment diagrams and know the length exceeding the moment capacity.
My question concerns the require length of WT beyond these points. How do you detrmine...