I must perform a burst test using SA516-70 material on a cylindrical vessel and need confirmation of this old thread that the vessel will need to have samples of material removed and tested after burst test in order to obtain the "maximum tensile strength of range of...
I use hillside calculations per the non-mandatory appendix L 7.7 for carbon steel sch-40 pipe nozzles in carbon steel shells with temperature <400°F and 125 PSI MAWP. The 2010 version of section VIII Div I allows reinforcement per appendix 1-10. There is a provision in these calculations to...
When running reinforcement calculations in section VIII Div I for a sch-40 pipe in a cylindrical shell shall I use the published pipe wall thickness or should I enter the pipe wall less 12.5% under tolerance.
to answer LSThill it is page number 388
to answer SnTMan can you try a 10" sch-40 pipe .365 wall 10.002 ID SA53B-ERW 14,600 max stress normal to vessel wall 125 psi internal max.
0.188 shell SA-516-70 28" ID with 20,000 psi max allowable stress 250°F max. Pipe will not interfere with long seam...
I need to verify my spreadsheet is correct and would very much appreciate a typical example of these calcualtions to compare my work against.
A normal to the vessel pipe nozzle with or without a pad would be great.
I am using 2010 section VIII Div I code books.