Is Jp always Ixx+Iyy? I have two square steel sections offset from y-axis, the x-axis goes through neutral axis on both. I want to find the second moment of area, and I'm a bit unsure...
If somehow I have a rubber which is under a state of over compression and I apply more pressure to it. How can I determine the failure mode? Shear, tensile, energy consumption? Which? And when do I know I am in a state of over compression?
If I base an optimization study from engineering stress strain to make true stress strain curve, is it only valid up to UTS?
Also, when calculating poison ratio, I get 10e4 result?! It should be close to 0.3
I have based my data from metric...
In order to do plasticity analysis on metals, you need to put in the correct data in abaqus. So far, I have an example from Simuleon website and Dowling (Mechanical behaviour of materials, 4th edition). I find the very high values very strange, can someone explain? See attached file...
I am...
OK, I have the M and the K matrices already defined, I just need a little help refreshing my memory from university... BC's: x_i for al masses, v_i and a_i = 0. Also final position of one of the masses...
It is under static precompression both in initial state and after it is released, so the "free mass" hits a boundary after a couple of mm. So the equations is easily set up, I just don't know how to solve them to get velocity, accelleration...
I have this mass spring system consisting of 4 masses and 4 springs. It is preloaded, and I want to know the velocity on the "free" side of the system at a certain point. Also would be interesting to know the remaining forces when that mass hit the end...
How do you set the nodal or integration point as the value of interest? Anyway, I would assume that the integration points would be close to the nodal results, I don't think the gradient is extreme in my case. When it comes to hyperelastic material definition, it is true that it is defined by...
Hi, all. I have defined a mooney rivlin material in abaqus, with a predefined set of points to elongation at break. However, I experience the material to take up more stress than what the material is capable of, based on a uniaxial stress strain curve. The stress state is triaxial, although the...
Hi, all. I have defined a mooney rivlin material in abaqus, with a predefined set of points to elongation at break. However, I experience the material to take up more stress than what the material is capable of, based on a uniaxial stress strain curve. The stress state is triaxial, although the...
I have loaded a rubber with a pressure penetration at 34.5 MPa. However, the surface will not separate from each other, although the surface pressure lies in the region of 11 MPa. Only the node which are picked from the pressure penetration dialogue box are affected. The solution converges just...
Thanks, I have found the problem now. As you say, it gives no meaning to apply load when a gap need to be filled, so I enclosed it with a movement, then applied the load. Also, I needed to divide the moveable reference point in two, since three steps are involved, one with initial closure of...
I tried to close gaps with an additional step, and the analytical rigid body see no contact with the deformable, so here is something worth checking... I have defined the AR components as the master surface and the deformable elastic part as the slave surface with a penalty...
I have no contact initially... there is a gap around 0.2-0.3 mm which I need to close when applying load. But is it OK to "encastre" the referenco point, and to load it? I assume I load it with load equal to the complete model...
The error messages are as follows;
I think there may be something in the way I have connected the analytical rigid components to the reference point. So far I have constrained the components to the reference point via a rigid body constraint. Then I have, for the static components, used an "encastre" for the reference points. I...
Hi, all. I am doing an axisymmetric 2D analysis involving analytical rigid components, made up of lines. Also, there is a deformable within. So far everything seems OK, but I suspect there is a problem with the way I constrain and manipulate the rigids.
- I have within the parts defined a...