People please help, I have been usuing this formula to calculate steam loss in orifices for years:
Q = 24.24 x Pa x d^2, Q = lbs/hr, Pa = Steam pressure, psia, and d = orifice diameter in inches. My boss wants to know where the constant 24.24 came from. I understand this is a variation of...
Are there any relationship between the ASME BPVC Section III and API 520 and 521 as regards MAWP for relief devices. These bodies have different formulas for calculating the minimum discharge area of the relief valves, do they give the same results?
Hello dcasto, the phrase " if the relief valves are 8 x 10,..." are you referring to the areas of the valves? The internal diameters of the valves are 4" each. Can you explain further please. The height of the vent line from the valve to the roof is about 100 feet.
This is actually a safety valve connection to our 150,000 lbs/hr boiler at 150 psi. I am just wondering if anyone has done this type of installation before so that I don't have to re-invent the wheel. I am concerned with any further calculations regarding some back pressure problems at the Y...
I have found it necessary to install two safety valves in my boiler, but due to space constraint, I will need to install these safety valves to one vent pipe through a Y connection. The consulting engineer declined to do the design, saying it would violate the code, what do you guys say?