No closed loop controller, it's open loop. I'm going to try to change the Rosc resitor as per recommendation by a user. I don't think it will help get rid of noise since i'll be lowering the operating frequency of the PWM, the lower the frequency we can hear that. But I think it's worth a try.
There is a buzzing noise that comes from the end cap of the motor, this buzzing causes vibration in the equipment when the motor is in holding position.
We are using a 22.1K ohm resistor which is 9.2Mhz, do you think the noise might go away if we lower the PWM frequency. From my PWM frequency how do I find out the carrier frequency?
We are currently using the A3959 chip from allegro. But we hear a noise coming from the end cap of the motor. It's sounds like the current circulating through the windings. This noise causes vibration in our machine when it's in holding mode. Does anybody know how to get rid of this noise and...