barney75: I use the following script to save eigenfrequencies in one of my scripts (I just use a list, not an array). Hope, it should be helpful (sometimes hunting for the right information is really time consuming, when there is also a lot of ballast in the documentation ;o) ). For your...
nearly same question: is there any command in abaqus to clear memory allocated for calculation? I have a optimization script which builds relativly simple models (different at each step) and Abaqus doesn't clean the memory after it finishes the calculation, so at 2GB memory I can make only about...
barney75: 3.something is the max. memory you can use on any 32bit OS, just because of addressable space (2^32 binary is exactly those 4GB) - the system has to also have a address space for PCI, graphics aso. So if you would like to address more than ca. 3,5 GB of memory, you have to use 64bit...
brep: ok, I made one mistake - the fine manuals does not contain any combination of words RANDOM NUMBER and does not contain any detailed information about libraries required to import (I also could not presume, that so basic functions are hidden in specialized library - in the pure Python...
Why? The Abaqus programmers has deleted the very useful part of Python - various functions for generating random numbers (so I have to write my own, which is really time + money consuming operation).. After I wanted to test about a half of my Genetic optimization algorithm, which I wanted to use...
-1. if I delete the extra (), I would get a message, that GeomSequence found, expecting I don't know what now...
0. pEdge is defined as "part".edges
1. I have did the check, there was really None in it - I also checked, what findAt does after each step and I found out, that if I have used...
just in few steps (python drives me crazy again :o) ):
>>> selEdges = pEdge.findAt(( (rightEnlPartPoint, leftEnlPartPoint, centerTopRLEdgePoint), ))
>>> thePartEau.seedEdgeBySize(edges=selEdges, size=seedSizeEau/dense_mesh)
errormessages for seedEdgeBySize:
1) found None, expecting tuple...
brep: thanks for the second advice - this is what I completely erased from the possibilities ;o) Anyway - this would work just with datums and similar things, but not with selection of features created by processing the script... This I forgot to mention - it's actually connected with my first...
Well, I use the scripting the way you suggest - I do the features at first by recording macro and then make a clean up of the mess and use the routines in my own script, which work "the best". But still doesn't work every time - the numbering of features sometimes differ and I didn't find out...
Hi everybody,
I'm creating a parametric model, which is going to be automatically optimized then, using the Python scripting language. I got stuck at an absolutely unbelievable point. I'm trying to do two things:
a) select whole rectangular face partition edges - I have now used the command...