The attached picture shows how I used to do this - in this case 13 Teeth, Module 10.0. I imported the data into AutoCAD and then connected the tangent points on the outline to get an accurate representation of the profile. I was never able to find any vendor drawings accurate enough. Seems like...
Several years ago I wrote a program to calculate all these values, but you could try to get a catalog from Quality Transmission Components "Handbook of Metric Gears" that includes calculation formulas. However, if you stick with a 15deg. helix angle, the values should be 20 teeth -> 91.1, 22...
You should really know the helix angle of the gears, otherwise it is just guessing - e.g. with a 15deg helix angle your existing gears should be 111.8 and 173.9mm respectively.
If it's not an elliptical gear - the low a/b ratio seems to indicate that - then there should be a center mounting hole with a dowel hole next to it in the direction of the longer axis to line the pre-machined outer contour with the EDM code und the part can be clamped through the center hole.
Maybe this will help you - some translation necessary, but it should all be pretty obvious.
Little bit old, but it still might apply.
Here is a drawing file. If you also need *.dxf let me know.
This is not the actual standard, but maybe enough to get you going.
I don't know about 2002 (don't remember), but in 2014 you go to "dimstyle" - "override" - "alternate units" and use for "multiplier" 0.08333 and "prefix" "-" (without quotation marks). You can also adjust the decimals as needed.
I agree. If you don't align the profile, let's say with the X-axis, and use the "Sweep" command, it will always stay perpendicular to the generating path.
If your intent is to connect all the point in your sketch with a polyline using a script file then, what I generally do is read in a text file with all the points and then connect them using script. However, the two radii you have shown would then have to be created using the "Arc" command...
Maybe you can find a spare in the attached - although they only list spare part numbers.
At this point I think, it is just a chamfer at the entrance of the hole that you insert that sensor into to prevent the O-ring to be sheared off as you insert it.
E.g. see the attached - the second part is only to show it is the correct solution.