Yes, we will get the dyno with the water brake attached.
.75 Hz is the amount of filtering they were using on the rpm channel of the inertia dyno, no filtering on the elapsed time. I did not check any other channels, but all are user defined as to the filtering %.
The software uses a...
SomptingGuy: I understand. Have you successfully used Matlab with any raw dyno data?
bsfc9: I am pretty familiar with the DEPAC system and it is very good. However the "smart-averaging", like filtering is utilized to smooth the data enough to practically analyze it. (I use the term 'filtering'...
You're correct - no dyno can exactly replicate a race car on a track.
I took the message of the engineer at this dyno company to be that the inertia dyno could replicate the acceleration characteristics of an engine on the race track more closely than a brake style dyno.
I did a poor job in...
Sorry, But I'm not understanding your point. Are you thinking that our interest in this dyno is for complete track simulation?
Our interest is only for engine-acceleration testing. Not for durability testing and/or endurance testing. We have no need to exactly simulate deceleration, gear...
You're right Shane about aero-load and other frictional loads affecting the inertia-effect.
I guess my question then becomes: If a test "window" is taken from on-track Pi-data and the dyno is physically configured to match those figures, how far off would you be?
Ex: Let's use hypothetical...
I made the same claim (that "you can never simulate what an engine will do at the track...") to the engineer with the inertia dyno company. He politely informed me that I was wrong, that their inertia dyno can exactly simulate race track performance. He explained that they configure the machine...
Shane: Their shop is in Concord, N.C. Their website is (The intake manifold comparison shown on the website is interesting.)
SomptingGuy: That's an interesting reply. When viewing all of the raw dyno data from various companies - I've never been able to draw reasonable...
I agree! I've done quite a bit of research on this mathematical manipulation and the "amount" varies from one dyno company to the next.
Ideally there would be no filtering, however I have yet to see any raw data from a dyno test that was legible enough to decipher. There are even a few...
I went to NC and saw the inertia dyno operate. It's ability to repeat was better than they claim and I have no idea why there isn't one of these machines in every NASCAR shop.
I had a couple of observations and would greatly appreciate input from members on here.
1) They use a "Lenco" case to...
Yes _ I am familiar with the Dyno-Jet chassis dyno. This is definitely not a chassis dyno, it is an engine-only dyno.
I should've given more information about my question concerning "inertia-effect" of each engine. I was speaking of the formula/procedure for calculating this effect during...
I do not clearly understand the purpose of performing a steady state test with the flywheel-mass (MOI) connected. Wouldn’t the power be the same with or w/o the MOI connected? [I can understand the acceleration curve being affected by a MOI change, but not power.] Is my thinking correct?
I am new to this site and find it very informative.
I also recently attended the PRI Trade Show in Orlando and saw some interesting products while there. One company had a boring head that was programmable & expanded as it machined below the minor diameter. It appeared to be a high quality...