In short, I expect in the frequency domain a correct display of frequency AND amplitude.
As you said, the frequency shows up correctly.
But I wrote also in this thread that the amplitude is not correct (several hundreds instead of 1 for a simple sine wave).
So why is the amplitude off in a...
thanks for your explanations. They confirm that the sine wave is an unstable signal - it oscillates.
So we still have the situation that the z-transform of the sine being correct (confirmed from a transforms table), does not show up correctly in a Bode plot. How to get out of this...
Hi Visigoth,
thanks for your reply and cleaning the code.
What amplitude I actually expect? Well, starting from
sin( w * n * Ts + phi ) I would expect min = -1 and max = 1, or an amplitude of 1, right?
The amplitudes obtained by both methods are a) different and b) simply wrong - why...
I try to visualize a sine wave, z-transformed in a Bode plot. The frequency shows up correctly, but the amplitude is way off - why?
Thanks for your comments.
function zdemo
format compact
syms w Ts n z phi t
Ts = 1
w = 0.1
phi = 0
vz = simplify(ztrans(sin(w*n*Ts+phi))) %...