Took IR camera readings on the gear yesterday, inconclusive, no hot spots, and have hooked up a power analysis meter to record for a week. Hopefully something will shake out. Also , this gear has been operating for 20-30 years without an equipment ground, all motors have been grounded to the...
Old FA style I-line no gf protection. I isolated the gear after determining the cables were good. So essentially megged the buss and its connection points. With buckets removed readings were as high as 5 Mohms but degraded as buckets were stabbed back in. Have installed new MCC in adjacent...
Hi all, have a MCC tripping the 800a main feeding it,{three times this week}, after isolating the feeders and branch circuits this weekend, megohmeter readings were less than what Im used to seeing. The 500mcm cables all megged fine to ground, 28megohms and better, the MCC however was much...