Could you or did you get hardness readings close to the HAZ where there was no stretching? Just curious.
Looks like improper PWHT problems to me. It can be very tough to PWHT the header and not overheat the tube just past the socket weld, especially if PWHT is performed on in-boiler repairs...
Great example.
I am familiar with S.P. Timoshenko's old work; THEORY OF PLATES AND SHELLS. I am also familiar with ASME paper pvp2005-71164, SLIP BLINDS AT PRESSURES CAUSING PERMANENT DEFORMATION, by J. Taaepera and FLOUR's T, Seipp. Their work curtails how to judge minimum thickness for...
I don't agree with the practice and am trying to remove multiple skillets before hydro. Project engineering group has ok'd the multiple skillets. I cannot support my opinion with code criteria. I've just never seen multiple skillets in 35 years of construction.
What code or engineering...
Say I need a 1 1/2" thick skillet between two flanges to end a 2160 psi piping hydrostatic test section. Is it OK to make the skillet out of multiple plates; one 1" thick plate plus one 1/2" thick plate?