Point taken but the mnfr has said categorically from the start that they do not do hydro-testing and the client along with the incredibly lame brained and unhelpful bureau veritas finally waived the hydro because the mnfr guaranteed all base material had been hydroed at the mill at point...
Thanks Penn,
The fittings are currently being produced but the problem is that Total want the material pronto and I am led to believe that Hydro Testing is extremely expensive and very time consuming. The other problem is that I'm a UK supplier and the fittings are being made in USA and I have...
As I understand it simply, according to ANSI tolerances it is + 12.5& - 10% or vice versa, safety speaking. For instance let's say you can weld 20" x 0.500" pipe to a 20" x 0.563" fitting without any problem. This is assuming I understand your question correctly?
We have been supplying a belt and braces Total Elf Fina job and they have waived the Hydro-Test in favour of the Mnfr guaranteeing that the base material (pipe) was Hydro tested at the mill at point of production. However, it seems that the mnfr cannot verify this for one fitting and now Bureau...