I am about to buy a specification package and I would appreciate any feedback on the two big players.
BSD SpecLink
Uses CSI format; gets quarterly updates; comes in a variety of packages (which might mean I have to get both the "civil" and "structural" modules!).
Thanks for your input.
The project is a two story apartment block and I'm using Light Frame Construction to avoid having to do a lateral design on the diaphragms and shear walls.
I'm left with an overall stability check and anchor design but that's a lot less work. I think I'm going to use a...
Can anyone explain what clause 2320.5.6 of the UBC/CBC actually means? It refers to continuous foundations under braced walls and then cites an exception which allows cripple walls. I do not class cripple walls, founded on individual pier blocks as continuous.
Also, to what does the "50...