I am currently running the engine with a lunati 50210 , but that was my selection for a 4 barrel .
I was trying to understand if there are substantial gains by changing it , or maybe by changing rocker arm ratio on intake or exhaust side .
Also , how does the intake runner volume affect this...
heads are angle milled 0-125 , measure 100 cc.
pistons are 46 cc dome . .010 below deck
.040 copper gaskets
bore is 4.280
I calculated this to 15.33
Am I missing something ?
I am building a motor to run in a 2 barrel class that requires a restrictor plate with 1.750 bores. How do I figure out which cam will work best with this restriction ?
Motor is a 454 chevy with 15:1 compression . Carb is 625 cfm split dominator