Use a multipage control in a form, want some commandbutton1 or text control on a page of multipage. select controls from tool box through click right mouse,and draw it on the form, I wanna know where to find every control's property of multipage? how to write code on these controls?
I use VB for AutoCAD.
I wanna create a new layer,and set its color, linetype, linetypescale.
Now I can create create a new layer, and load a linetype and color for it. use code below:
But how can i set linetypescale for all object on this layer?
I wanna seek intersection of an circle and a line, in below sentence,
IntersectionPt = circle.IntersectWith(Line, Extendoption)
how to difine extendoption or which can i use?
thank u all.
I want to add a new layer in autocad, use code below,
set newlayer=AcadObj.ActiveDocument.Modelspace.layers.Add("Center")
but it cant be work. why? how to do it?