Does anybody have any design guidelines for perforated sprial duct.
I recall that it is similar in design philosophy to gas burners, ie. even flame hieght along length, but I would like to know if there is specific criteria tying together
- duct diameter
- pressure drop per unit length along...
I am renovating a room into a yoga studio that requires a room temp of 100 degrees F. Its called a hotbox.
The room has a existing rooftop unit, however the burner is larger than required.
If I return air through the rooftop unit, [the burner has a delta T of 65 deg. F], the discharge temp...
I am being asked to bless the use of 90T chiller for an extension to a retirement home.
The unit is a York 90T 2 reciprocating compressor with a water cooled condenser.
I want to add about 40T load to this chiller.
I believe the chiller is currently operating between 40 and 60T.
My question...
I showed a manufacturer a picture of a stack (24" dia. and 30 ft. high) that I am tring to replicate and he told me it was a No Loss Stack, but couldn't provide me with any furhter info (ie. manufacturers etc).
Has anybody heard of this and could you provide me with some leads?