Thanks hokie66. I really appreaciate your thought.
I will graduate this summer (only 1 GE class left). I used to work as an intern for concrete design at a small firm for 2 years. Therefore, this assignment should be a very good experience for me.
The tricky part is i do not know how the...
Per UBC 97: Max height is 65 ft, 160 ft or 240 ft depends on types of building, i.e, regular or irregular (TBL 16-L, 16-M), type of lateral resistence system use(TBL 16-N).
Hope this help.
Thanks lkjh345 for your feedback.
Here's a more specific question: in order to have a composite member (new PT beam/existing member) how the load path that i can check for the numbers of proposed the shear will develop in this new member in regarding to long term...
Hi all,
I work as an intern at a Department of Building and Safety. Please advise me how to check the following failure.
The podium slab (flat slab)of an appartment fails under punching shear (span 30-33 ft). To repair, EOR proposes additional PT beams supported by new columns doweled to...