These valve do not control the motion. That is controled with Atchley servo valves. The actuators are vane actuators not motors. The valves in question retract and extend vanes to allow unlimited rotation. There is some PWM on these valves but only to...
Thanks for the input, I will look for the book. Here are some comments and clarifications.<br><br>The expense of designing and building a valve not an issue if we can produce a reliable valve.<br><br>You may be trying to cure the symptom, not the disease...<br><br>Maybe, these valves...
We have some small (3/4" thd) 4W 2P solenoid operated cartridge valves. These $54 valves have given us many problems and caused numerous headaches on a $12M manipulator. We intend to design and build our own spool and sleeve out of CRES materials and with non-stick...