Thanks for the info.
I'm looking to learn how to size a mechanical choke valve. There are programs to do this, but I'm interested in how to determine the bean size, etc. without using software.
Is there a class or online course for learning to size a choke? The software programs I've found assume the user has a certain level of knowledge. I need a primer or tutorial of some sort.
What topics were covered at the API seminar? I would like to learn more about real-world applications of API 520.
For instance, I have precious little data for sizing a PSV on a knock-out drum. In the absence of hard information, how would one go about calculating the worst-case flow rate...
doct9960, thanks for the info. I've posted another thread regarding API 521, which I've read several times (as well as API 520). The topic of fire relief is covered specifically in 521, but the version I have is unclear and not thorough. I am in the process of obtaining the latest version...
A late stage water filtration vessel operates fluid-packed. When sizing the PSV for FIRE condition only, should a liquid, steam, or vapor service valve be used? The contents are mostly water with some oil. One school of thought says that the vessel will first relieve liquid (b/c it's...
API 521 Section states that discharge areas for pressure relief on vessels containing "super-critical fluids, gases, or vapors" can be estimated using the equation provided. A) What is meant by super-critical? B) What sizing equation is used when the fluid is NOT super-critical? C)...
Thanks for the definitions, but I guess I am looking for a quantitative value (or a reference) to determine the critical pressure of a fluid.
Also, does anyone have any insights regarding the other questions?
API 521 Section states that discharge areas for pressure relief on vessels containing "super-critical fluids, gases, or vapors" can be estimated using the equation provided. A) What is meant by super-critical? B) What sizing equation is used when the fluid is NOT super-critical? 3)...
A late stage water filtration vessel operates fluid-packed. When sizing the PSV for FIRE condition only, should a liquid, steam, or vapor valve be used? The contents are mostly water with some oil. One school of thought says that the vessel will first relieve liquid, then vapor, so liquid is...