Yeah - it's not spelled out in our contract - probably a bad decision on our part - however we have worked for the same client numerous times and our contract has become sort of solidified and changes aren't looked upon well.
I imagine I would send a change of scope to the owner (who has hired...
We are a consulting design firm and we review construction documents from our contractors versus the bid documents.
We estimate construction document reviews by calculating the time it takes to review the submittal and then tacking on some factor (usually 1.5) with the assumption that...
We receive tons of Shop drawings and Contractor Submittals.
We currently use an Excel Spreadsheet to log and track it all.
I was wondering is there a better way?!
Thanks great replies!!
I was checking a drawing the other day and saw a A325 bolt with an SAE grade nut - which made my head spin!!
So, your opinion again please.. the members that are being attached to the building are to support light conveyors - approximately 1-2 kips in tension on an A325...
I write specifications for automated material handling systems.
So, we cover a lot of areas from mechanical, structural, controls equipment etc.
We use word now. But it seems cumbersome - I was thinking it would be nice to somehow have each section in some sort of database and somehow have...
We are currently using Word - but I don't think this is the way to go anymore.
If you do use Word do do you make your core spec? One large one fle per section?
Hello Structural Engineers - I'm an ME in need of guidance.
I am curious as to your interpertation of a Drawing that reads 'Grade 5 or Better' (in particular the Grade 5 ref. in a structural steel connection) for structural bolts. Without any other information, would you assume that means...