Thanks ishvaaag
The piles in this footing have 8.00 m length and I think they are in the swelling soil layer and furthermore, I found the steel structure on this footing be twisted due to swelling soil and the restraint of this steel structure with neighbor structure
Hi friends,
I just happened the situation about the soil surrounds the pile footing swelled and it raised the footing 200 mm up from the original level. At the moment I have no idea how to remedy it and I think the footing already loosed from the pile because there are no dowel bars in...
Hi all,
Where can I find the information about the connection of memeber with using different steel grade? because I'm gonna design the bolt connection of built-up cold formed steel section (fy = 450 Mpa) and have to use the gusset plate (fy= 245 Mpa)in this connection to join to other...
Hi friends,
I'm just curious to know that how can we relate the CBR value with the bearing capacity of soil or it has any formula to convert the result.