I have searched through my GD&T books and have come up short on certain situations. All per ASME Y14.5M-1994.
1) Datum Center Plane (see http://i18.tinypic.com/68j3ode.jpg )
I know that datum B would be valid in defining the center plane datum from the .325 dimension. But does datum A also...
I was taught ASME Y14.5m-1994 in college. But my company has an old set of standards. Thus is why I am trying to interpret if this datum was an ISO standard or just an old standard.
Hello I have searched the wide-wide web along with some books and have fallen short to an answer.
My questions is as followed:
What standard does the [-A-] datum feature follow? Meaning the dashes specifically, and if the dashes have any meaning?
http://www.engineersedge.com/gdt.htm gives...
Thank you everyone for all the responses. I now agree that a basic dimension is not for use in this situation.
The assembly has a graphite brush and the dimensions in question do not have tolerances. The baseline is part of the carbon that varies when installed. This these dimensions are...
I am looking for any information if there is any on standard balloon shapes. I am unsure if they are just a company standard, or if there is a standard in the mechanical industry?
I would like to know when to use part-list balloons, note reference balloons, and more if there are more.
Can you use a basic dimension when no GD&T is used? ie I want to use a linear basic dimension on a spring assembly in order to denote the ideal lengths. I personally would not consider this a reference dimension.
Please let me know if that is unclear.
Based upon ASME/ANSI standards does the order (ascending/descending) matter in revision tables?
A vs C
B vs B
C vs A
If no what are some standard practices?
In the past my company had its revision start lowest(A) at top and ascend.(Note my companies revision block is...