Sorry my mistake on the tolerance for the counter bore tolerance should have been .025mm. Thank you for catching that btrueblood. The problem we have with considering the edm is the life of the electrodes.
Thanks Brad
Thanks Mike,
Yes we already have a Swiss-style CNC and tried it on there, the problem is with the smaller I.D. hole wich is which is aprox .0025" to .003" in diameter. We have even tried sending the part outside to be lasered but they kept blowing the hole out on the top. Thank you for your...
My company is considering a production job on a nozzel. The problem we are having is with the counter bore & the I.D. hole that is going through the counter bore. The material is with 303 ss. O.D. is 6.995mm. The conter bore is .250mm +/- .25mm , depth 2.25mm, with a circular runout of .025mm to...