An excellent resource for this exact question is found in a book titled Power Transforemrs Principles and Applications written by John J. Winders, Jr.
It has a section on Matching Transforemrs for parallel and Bank Operations
chapter 3 section 3.9
Okay so first off you should test the transformer at 1kv! To test the LV side of a single phase transformer you need to short the h1 to h2 with some shooting wire or bare copper wire! you also need to short the LV side (X1-X2).
You have insulation between windings and insulation from the coils...
Well, when you look at testing a transformer and getting its turns ratio your inputting a voltage and reading it back on the other end. So your question is what specifications should you ask for? Any ratio bridge should be fine, if you put in 100 volts or a 1000 volts your ratio should stay the...
If your interested in getting the pf and strength of the oil you can use the DGA method but also a method my company uses. We use a test system called a DFR which stands for dielectric frequency response. The way it works is it applies a voltage to with frequency that sweeps from .001 Hz to...
I am a test engineer and perform electrical tests in the field and regurlary see xmfrs at cold temperatures. Actually just two days ago I tested a transformer using a system called DFR (dielectric frequency response) which tests the power factor. The only time I see an issue with a transformer...
I use a digital turns ratio test set. If you are looking for accuracy its more dependable or accurate. If your upper and lower limits are like 5% then the digital set will have more resolution also.