Fabtank, in my experience, the uplift load in the bolts from are usually significantly higher than loads required for wind. This is due to the fact that the more critical wind loads are applied while it is empty and with seismic with overturning checks the most critical loads are applied with...
Hi, I'm looking at minimizing my bolt loads on my tank.
Currently my tank is stable for seismic loads, but the tank has sliding/overturning issues formed by wind which require mechanical anchorage.
This requires I go to Section 5.12 / table 5.21 to calculate my uplift loads. However 5.12.1...
My mistake sorry I was using a previous example I had lying around and grabbed it for numbers.
The equation doesn't hold up for roof area.
If we back the diameter back to say 4m diameter the equation goes to
1.62 x 4^2 / (8 x (2/3 x 280) tan (9.5)
(1 kPa + 8mm roof plate compliant with...
Hi, I have a question about the new API 650 Nov 2009 eddition.
The new code states in
"The participating area at the root to shell joint shall be determined using figure f2 and the nominal material thickness less any corrosion allowance shall equal or exceed the following.
pD^2 / (8...