this is the soulution I came up with..
I looked up the head loss as a percentage of 100' length of steel pipe at 36"dia at 120000gpm (approx 10%). Equated it to that of a pipe of a similar hydraulic Radius of the small grating openings( approx 1" x 4"), took that gpm and divided it into the...
I’m thinking that sum of the individual areas of the openings of the racking would have to be significantly larger than that of the pipe. the pipe's Hydraulic Radius is approximately 9" where an individual opening on the racking is 0.5" approx. because the Hydraulic radius of the rack does not...
Throwing this question out there...
We have a high capacity volume discharged located on a dam outlet, 120000gpm. The inlet Pipe is 36" dia and is defined as projected...
NOW.... if you have to design an inlet rack.. such that it flows perp fromt he inlet pipe itself. think like a box attached...