Hello all,
I have two parts in an assembly, lets say two cilinders. One is fixed and the other can be moved just ahead, both circular faces facing each other. I wish to create a "cable" or a "pipe" between the circular faces of each cilinder in order to simulate a piping conection, but I want...
Thanks all for your help!
I found the best way for the thing I wanted to do, and I though sharing it with you:
The main body is an IMA surface, so I created an IMA plane (which I can give any shape I want) below the main body intersecting where I wanted to create the bottom surface and I...
Thanks for your help, but I already tried that, the problem is if I do that I will loose the base-surface I wish to keep... I'm working with an Image&Shape surface and I want this new bottom surface to be adaptative as I change the surface base-model....
Any other suggestions?
Hello, I'm modelling an airplane and for the bottom of it I want to have a black surface (style NASA Shuttle) but I cant get this portion of the bottom by projecting a plane-surface on to the lower body (which will be Ideal since the projected lines on to the body are just want I want, but I...