i am having a hard time calculating the heat loses for a building.
Building 18' x 18'Plain concrete block on a concrete slab (4" assuming). (Footer will be larger.) No windows. a 36 sf steel door. All vents equal a 46 sf. the roof is asphalt shinged hip style roof, 10' walls. Temp In = 65 F...
He was using tenths but saying inches. "the pipe falls two inches" he should have said "the pipe falls two tenths".
That Verizon thing is funny. I wonder if it actually happens. I have to look at my bill.
Sorry I missed a decimal point it is 0.2% per 100 ft.
.002*100=.2 (Tenths)
0.2*12=2.4 (inches)
I was right if my calculations are correct. He said it was 2 inches and I said it was more than 2.
I am in a heated discussion with my brother. HE installs piping and I design pipe lines. How much does a 100 foot section of pipe fall at 2% slope 12" pipe. I am not going to say our answers as i don't want to pursuade anyone.
Thank you,
I was planing on putting end-around baffling in the tank. I was wrong about the water depth but the sides of the tank can be hightened.
Sorry about the Sequence Batch Reactor (SBR).
I am converting two (2) tanks into sodium Hypochlorite tanks. The Flow is from an SBR so it will be a batch at 1000 gpm for a certain amount of time. The required detention time is 15 minutes. I am confused on where to start. The tanks are 10 wide by 34 long. The depth can be up to 11 feet deep...
I have been working onthis plant fo ra few months. How do I determin the size of the Digestion tanks? i have 5% solids 11,282 ppd estimated efficiency 60%, CRT 10d.
Its a study to DEP for a unit analysis.
Is there a general rule or a chart to see how much solids are produced in a trickling filter? For example I have a bio tower to treat BOD. For every lb of BOD that goes onto the tower it produces 0.5 lbs of TSS. I am doing a rerate on a plant and DEP is asking for everything to be accounted for.
I have looked through the forum trying to find something to help me. I am trying to find the capacity of an old sewer line. I am Upgrading a Treatment plant and need to know the capacity of the trunk sewer leading to the plant. The trunk line is bass ackwards. It goes from a 12" VCP to an 8"...
I have been trying to size a system to treat a 1 MGD treatment plant. The process goes as follows:
Pumps station
pump station
EQ Basin
UV disinfection.
I am having a hard time determining what size of UV I will need. The EQ Basin is a 0.5 MGD tank. I have considered using...
I am trying to justify running my spare pump and need to know what is a 2- Year 24 Hour storm event. I know its a propability of it accuring is 50% every year. What is it in terms of inches per hour or an equivalent? Does anyone know a website that catagorizes the storms into these events?
It is being run through Carbon filters now and then releaised. The company want to do away with their discharge permit and Carbon plant. The untreated water is going to be reliesed from a 1 MGD tank during low flows and will be diluted in the tank if it gets a peak of chemicals that may be harm...
I have an SBR system and the county wants to add groundwater from an old oil refinary. The water doesn't have any thing that will harm the process as far as chemicals. It's basicly plain water. DEP will not let me bypass the SBR's. How will this effect the treatment? I know the concentration...
I knew what you ment. That they are not suitable for the cold. I will look into the membrain. This plant is small really small. Theplant maneger is also the water manager, road mng, mows lawns, removes snow, he does everything for this small town. To get to the point I want to make the plant as...
Yes I have considered an SBR system but it may not work because of the low concentration of the effluent. and the low flow. It will end up decanting solids more than usual.
I am in charge of designing a Trickling Filter for a WWTP and have a number of books but none make sence. It is in a Cold climate and has a 0.24 mgd fdesign flow. The concentration is weak also 37-60 mg/l. Any anformation will be a great help. Thanks