I have to calculate the weighted arms dimensions (width) of a centrifugal clutch, knowing the engine power,the cluth radius,...etc . May someone give me some tips or formulas, or documentation links in order to solve this calculation?
Thank you for you help,
First, thank you for this website which is a very useful help for engineers!
I'am trying to perform an analysis for a plate with two holes at each end for bolt. This plate has to overcome a force at on end. I used SHELL41 element.
I would like to know how to define the bolted...
I am trying to made a fatigue analysis. Could you tell me where I could find some tutorials in order to learn how to do?
Thank you for your help,
I am doing a linear elastic analysis. My method usual is to create a free mesh in order to locate the high stress area and then create mapped meshes in order to have smallest element in these high stress areas. But in my case I'am analysing the maximum Von Mises equivalent stress and...
I am doing a FEA on a retention system made of steel blade. I have create a shell model and I want to twist the blade along its axis. The rotation value is 6°. Consequently I have applied at one end a 0 DOF constraint (clamp) and at the other end a 6° rotation displacement. I have...
I am doing a finite element analysis of a lamitated retention system. I have created a blade (roughly a 0.5mm sheet of metal) and I want to twist it along its longitunal axis with a displacment value equal to 6°. Consequently, I tried to do a non linear analysis since we have large...
I have to choose a turbine for my project. Soemone has heard about the Innodyn turbine (http://www.innodyn.com/)?
Do you think the performances are realistic?
Thank you for your help,
I have a square plate (bxb), fixed on each side with a force Fspread all over the plate. I would like to know how to consider the influence of the thickness(e) of the plate for the constaints (sigma)?
Thank you for your help,
Thank you for your help, I made it with small tube with same OD and thickness and the accuracy is worth with shell compared to the analityc solution
I have a problem wiht shell93 element. I tried to mesh a straight tube made of area with this element but I have a radius of curvature warning because of the shell thickness. I understand the warning (see Anys help), I don't know how to mesh a tube using 2D element like shell. Have...
it's an helicopter engine mount.
The frame is stationnary for this analysis. the engine is attaches to the engine using tubes with rubber shock mount.
you can have an idea with this picture:
Thank you,
I have some probleme to determine the loads acting on an engine mount.
I have an engine mount which bears a 91 kg engine with 4 attachment point,at each corner of the engine. I am studying the lower attachment point of this mount. The engine is in cantilever.
From my point of...
I try to "never update contact stiffness", but I didn't find it in the contact element type option, there are several option for "update contact stiffness"(K10) but not "never".
Thank you,
I made an analysis with 3D elements and I defined contact(to create a welded contact between tubes. I defined my material properties as linear isotropic. I checked all the results(eq stress, eq strain, rotation,displacement) in order to validate the linear elasticity field, and it's...
Actually, there is two tubes with an angle about 20° between them and I don't know how to add this plate which is basically a triangle located at the intersection of the tubes and in contact with both tube over 30 mm. My first techniques was to draw some line to skectch the triangle and then...