To do a building piping analysis for the chilled water system I am given the minimum flow demand and pressure drop for each chiller. The field personnel gave me sketches of the piping runs and dimeters inside the building. With this information I put it into a piping analysis program and it...
I was given a part number by my field personnel and it is a bogus number. They did pull a pump operation point stamped on the pump, 1105 gpm at 130 ft of head. The electric motor is 50 hp running at 1775 rpm. Can I construct a pump curve from this data or select a similar pump curve? The...
I have a large STL file that has too many points in it. My company is balking at purchasing the upgrade to SolidWorks to work with this file. Is there a free piece of software or cheap piece of software that will allow me to reduce the number of data point in this file?
I was asked to review a design for a small T type retaining wall that is 4 feet above ground with a spread footing of 3 feet. The wall is L-shaped and is about 25 feet by 100 feet long with the short leg being 25 feet. The retaining wall will only be loaded with sand if a noreaster hits and...