Thanks again for all the feedback - this is just one of those things that was always rattling around in the back of my mind but I never really got a good handle on it. FiltrationEng - I do not have a specific installation; I have made a lot of pump sets and have always followed the given...
Artisi & BigInch - Thanks, I appreciate your feedback. But Artisi, if adjustments have to be made to the NPSHr if the tests are not performed at sea level, then doesn't that mean that the elevation affects (I hope that is right, I always get affect and effect mixed up) the NPSHr. And if the...
In the Pump Handbook, 2nd edition, by Karassik, et al, when he discusses suction piping he states that the "suciton piping should be at least as large as the pump suction". He goes on to recommend that the piping should be one size larger than the pump nozzle. Of course there are also...
But if the NPSHr is establish at the point the total head is reduced by 3% due to restricting the suction head, and this is calculated at sea level, would not the NPSHr change also at elevation? I am just trying to figure this out - it seems somewhat incongruous that the elevation would impact...
That is what I was wondering - why do the reference books indicate that the NPSHa should be corrected for the atmopheric pressure due to increase in elevation, but if the NPSHa needs to be adjusted then would not the NPSHr need to be corrected also. But yes, that is what I am asking.
In the reference books there are formulas for calculating the NPSHa that indicate an adjustment to the pressure absolute should be made to account for an increase in elevation (if the pump is to operate at elevation). When pumping water it seems to small as to be negligible. Also, it would...