I have a question on designing a floating pneumatic piston ring seal design. I am using the Parker O-ring handbook as a guide. My question is: using a 2-009 o-ring the hand book calls out a .165" groove dia. The I.D. of a 2-009 o-ring is .208. It seems to me that leave too much room for...
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to my post. I guess I did not remember the drawings as good as I thought. No parts are hardened. The pin material is 12L14. The housing (hole) material is 1215. The pin diameter is .3940 +/- .0003 X .150" long and the hole...
It appears you must own a copy of Advanced engineering design to get the answer key to access full calculator use. Thanks anyways. My engineering came up with the .0018 max interference, From what I remember the min was .001.
I've tried to use the interference fit calculator at that site but I must be doing something wrong or using the wrong calculator. I do not see a text box to imput the size of the hole the pin is being inserted into.
I am looking for some help in getting a ball park figure for a press fit. We are looking at high force linear servo motor from Rockwell to do the job. My problem is I'm not sure how much force is required. I have tried a few formulas I found on the web but the resulting answer was out of...