Ah Epoisses, thank you for your thought provoking post.
It brings up those thorny issues of political correctness and its relationship to scientific correctness....Hmmmmmm.
The scientific examination of human male/female behaviours have had a long history of political mangling and...
One thing that is coming through loud and clear here is the disdain for HR and their associated 'bag of tricks', of which the latest one appears to be EI!
I'm not going to launch into a defence of HR but, in line with the other thread on 'what engineering would you recommend to your kid', I have...
I'm giving you a star Kontiki99 just for making me feel better but all that research into what makes a good manager has to have something going for it - doesn't it??
Anyway, it has set me to thinking again along the 'Gattaca' lines (the movie that is) i.e. if I was being considered for a...
Sorry Kontiki99 but I'm with Qshake on this one, well actually I'm with Paul Ekman who has done loads of work on the pattern recognition of human emotions. Personally I think its the easiest aspect of emotional intelligence to get better at because of this. But you are right to point out the gap...
Here's another one Moltenmetal.
You've asked ''But why are engineers singled out amongst the professions for this special "educational" treatment?''
Apparently 'they' think we need it more than the others!
And no I don't think we'll see the day when arts majors have compulsory advanced...
Congratulations SomptingGuy!
WGJ, you have picked up a point that has become very relevant here recently in the way academic institutions seem to want everyone from computer scientists to plumbers to have PhD's in order to 'be qualified'!
OlFieldGuy, put 'How Mumbo Jumbo conquered the world' on...
Thanks for the star Gerhardl,
Forgive me but I'm new to this forum style of communicating and got carried away a bit!
I think we have identified an Essential Difference in our outlook though (which is the title of SB Cohens book). I don't believe that just anyone can be a true engineer. I...
Wow y'all, What a range of responses!
Many of you have hit some interesting issues but first I think it might help if I explain how I came to this subject.
As a female engineer I was encased for years in a web of feminist thinking to engineering i.e. there should be more women in engineering...
Having recently completed a psychology degree to balance my engineering education, I am trying to gain a better understanding of the whole 'soft skills' debate surrounding engineers. In recent years the concept of Emotional Intelligence has been sweeping through the HR scene and I'm wondering if...