I wish to express my appreciation to all that have posted supportive suggestions. I did obtain my PE in Louisiana. I had one little setback, that being I fail to pass the Rules and Laws Quiz on the first try. Thanks again.
I have been requested to inspect a fire damage brick building in my community. The building is a two story fire station with approx. 3,000 – 3,500 Sq. feet per floor built in the 1950’s. The first floor is approximately 16 feet high and the second floor is 12 feet. First, some of the facts...
I appreciate the reply. I will investigate establishing a personal NCEES Record for future application. I have visited the NCEES web site and downloaded some information. This web site can be accessed at
I’m ready to submit my application for licensure as a professional engineer by comity from the State of Louisiana. At present, I’m licensed PE in the state of Ohio since 1990. I like to hear any comments and/or suggestion from anybody that has applied for comity from Louisiana for a professional...