Hi there,
Is there anyone has experiences in providing of earthing lugs for piping systems, follow-up stadards, i would need to provide piping systems with with earthing lugs' locations. I am working for a Gas Seperation Plant Project, at the momment, i have referenced isomectric dwgs, 3d model...
Hi there,
Is there anyone who know that when we need to use FJ?, and why? I am checking isometric drawings, and need to correct where i need to use FJ and where need, because the using of FJ would be more expensive.
Hi there,
Thank you very much, at very right detailed explaination from pennpiper would provide me with precious knowledge in the field. Regarding your questions, i am checking some lines those will be conveying fluid gas in a Gas Seperation Plant, design conditiions are mostly at the ATM DP and...
Hi Gentlemen,
In piping system design, I normally provide drains and vents wherever there are loops. But i don't know the case that piping system transfer fluid, the vent line also is provided, so fluid is inside. Could you help to explain that this vent line to be operated/ or used and its...
Hi there!
I currently have serveyed at construction site (Gas Sepration Plant & Ethane Seperation Plant) but to verify whether some existing valves and spectacle blinds are capable to reuse is out of my professional capabilities.
Is there anyone who have experiences in accessment of these...
Hi guys,
I am coping with many connections that connect to wash column tower. But I don't definately clear when to use flanged connections and when to use welded connections. Is there anyone able to help me. would you please explain as well as point me to a document to study in details.
Hi Guys,
Thank you a lot for prompt helps. Just to simply say that is a required nozzle, hand hole nozzle, on a 94 meters height column tower and 8 inches in diameter sizing. And I could only know above said information. But I think that your reply will help me to do further.
Kindest regards,
On the body of Regenerator/Regenarator feed flash drum, a 8” hand hole nozzle provided but I would not experience to design the best elevation for this nozzle.
Is there anyone experience in designing the best solution elevation for the nozzle (I could only mean the saying elevation is counting...