Thank you. I appreciate the help. Another possible scenario. B31.3-2008 Section 302.3.5(f)(1)Unlisted Weld Strength Reduction Factors, states that other values than those which are listed in table 302.3.5 for "W" maybe used per the following criteria. Creep test data maybe used to determine the...
Further Clarification:
The lines in question will be 347H 12", 10", & 8" lines all schedule 40s, at a temperature of 1150F. They are used for our process gas in a Steam Methane Reformer. B31.3-2008, for straight pipe under internal pressure, Section 304.1.2 - Equation (3a), now includes a WELD...
We are designing our piping to B31.3 - 2008 and have had an issue come up with the Weld Joint Strength Reduction Factor "W". Our piping is 347H with a design temperature of 1150F and is built to ASTM A312. Section 6, of A312, MANUFACTURING - 6.1.3 states that "welded (WLD) pipe shall be made...